Sunday, 28 July 2013

5 Ways To Self-Educate Yourself & Master Any Skill

As many of you know, I’m not the biggest fan of a formal education due to the limitations set forth by most curriculum's. However, there are many great ways to self-educate yourself to learn any skill that might not necessarily be taught in a classroom.

 Over the last few years, I have mastered many skills and learned hundreds of things through self-education. As time has gone by, I have been able to learn faster and educate myself further.

 In this blog article, I’m going to share 5 ways to self-educate yourself & master any skills.
Self-Education Requires Self-Motivation 

Before I go into the 5 ways to self-educate yourself & master any skill, I want to talk about the importance of being self-motivated. In order to master a skill, you must want to learn. Nobody will be holding you accountable, you won’t be measured by grades, and you won’t be disciplined for slacking.

 In order to successfully master a skill and self-educate yourself, you must be motivated and determined to learn the material. I highly recommend holding yourself accountable and trying to educate yourself on things you actually are passionate about learning. With that said, here are 5 ways to self-educate yourself:
1. The Blogosphere

Blogs are an amazing way to learn a LOT about any topic. For example, QuickSprout teaches you a lot about online marketing and business. I used QuickSprout to learn a lot about online marketing.

You have to look online for blogs or writers who are masters in something that you want to learn. Continuously read and re-read that blog until you have a great understanding of what it says. Then to test your knowledge, go out there and put it into action!

 2. Books

With books being available digitally nowadays, you have no excuse to constantly read. I try to read 1-2 books a month on a completely new skill that I want to master. Not only does it expand my knowledge, but it makes me a lot more wiser.
Reading is one of the easiest and fastest ways to educate yourself. You can find books by searching for them in websites such as Amazon, Nook, or even iTunes to see which ones are in high demand.
3. Podcasts 

There are so many amazing podcasts out there. Podcasts such as EntrepreneurOnFire exist all over the web-sphere. It may take some time to find, but there is a lot of great content and information awaiting you on these platforms.
Podcasts are a seamless way to absorb a lot of information since it’s usually all audio. You can typically learn and master many skills rather quickly because podcasts really pack a lot of information.
4. Video/Speeches

With the internet, there are numerous places to find videos where people are willing to teach you various things. In addition to that, you can learn a lot from listening to other successful people give speeches.
Whether you go to these speeches in person or find them online, there is a huge community for those interested. The most popular community, known as Ted, provides short and robust discussions that can teach you a LOT.
5. Online Courses 

In the last few years, the ability for individuals to learn things online through a course has become extremely popular. Sites like Udemy, TreeHouse, and Coursera have made it easy for instructors to bring their content to students.
These sites can give you an action-packed course that can allow you to rapidly master a skill in as little as a few short weeks. You can even find courses from college curriculums for FREE through some internet searching.

The way we educate ourselves and learn material is changing every day with technology. Thanks to the internet, a college education isn’t always the best method for learning. Feel free to share in the comments below how you self-educate yourself!

10 Things Stopping You From Being Successful

Regardless of what your profession or craft is, everyone wants to be successful. If success was easy, then everyone would be at the top 1% of their game.

Unfortunately, success doesn’t come easy for anyone. In America, we have something called the 1% which is the epitome of success. 1 percenters are the seen as the most successful individuals in our country, but all of them have had quite a journey to their own success.

Success isn’t easy and it never will be. In this blog article, I will share 10 things stopping you from being successful and how you can overcome them:

1. Putting Things Away For Tomorrow

Procrastination is what they call this. Successful people never save work for another day. They focus on getting everything done when it needs to be done regardless of how long they may have to stay back at the office.
If you’re committed to succeeding at your craft, nothing should stop you from putting in the hours necessary to succeed. Some of the best NBA players have been seen coming to the gym first and leaving last.

2. Friends That Could Care Less About Success

Success can often times be limited by the people you spend your time with. Are you spending time with people who are better than you or on a similar path?
Stop spending time with people who bring you down and don’t add to your success. There’s a saying that goes “If you can’t change your friends, change your friends.”

3. Lack of Belief

If you have ever watched a movie called The Secret, you know how important your inner belief is. Belief is believing that your goals have already been achieved and it’s just a matter of time before you achieve them. The greatest minds in history have been successful through all adversity thanks to their untouchable beliefs.
Stop doubting you and your goals. If you really believe in something and want to achieve it, develop a strong mindset. Be grateful for your achievements along the way and live your life around those goals. Believe you have achieved it and it is just a matter of when the rewards come to you.

4. No Motivation

Staying motivated around the clock while you stay on the grind is not easy. However, motivation is the driving force for success and it’s crucial to find a way to stay motivated as much as possible.
If you want to be successful, you need to be motivated to achieve your success goals. Find things, stories, videos, or even people who motivate and inspire you to stay on track.

5. You Think Failure is Final

Failure is something all success stories have had to deal with at some point of time. The attitude with which you tackle failure is extremely crucial to your success. Failure is not final and it’s just an opportunity to learn.

 Learn why you failed and embrace it. Failure doesn’t define you as a person or business, it’s just an event that happened at a time and place.

6. Hobbies Don’t Equate to Success

Many people think part-time gigs and hobbies can translate into huge successes. Unfortunately, the truth is that you have to work your ass off all day and night to be successful.

If you have big plans for success, you need to re-strategize your plan of action. Figure out which things you really want to be successful at and see how you can put all your time into it.

7. Willing to Settle for Anything Less

Successful people set goals and refuse to settle for anything but what they wanted initially. Imagine what would have happened to the world if some of the best athletes, musicians, and entrepreneurs were willing to settle for less. What would happen if NFL teams were willing to settle for conference championships instead of Superbowls?
Do not change your images of success. Change your plan of action if anything. Do not settle for anything less than what you initially planned. No goal is impossible or crazy, it just takes perspiration and serious determination to succeed.

8. Lack of Persistence

Sometimes, it takes numerous tries to get something right. If you’re lucky it make take you 5 or 10 different tries to make something work. If you’re not so lucky, it may take you 200-500 different tries to make something work. Persistence is key and those who give up never realize how close they were.
Don’t give up. If you have goals in mind, do whatever it takes to succeed. It’s important to stay persistent at your craft. Consistently test, experiment, and try new methods of achieving, but never give up.

9. You Don’t Educate Yourself

A degree from college means nothing. Learning and self-education is one of the most important characteristics for success. The greatest masterminds in the world spend time learning something new about their craft everyday, which helped them become the masters of their destiny.

 Don’t look at your fancy degree or high school classes as the final stop for education. Continue learning and educate yourself on things that can help you master your own goals.

10. Stop Stressing, Start Having Fun

At the end of the day, success is nothing if you aren’t having fun. It’s okay to have stressful moments on your way to success, but you shouldn’t be stressed out all the time. Whatever your craft may be, make sure it’s something that you’re passionate about and enjoy doing.
Having fun is crucial to success. If you don’t love what you do, you won’t be very good at it. You can try to love something, but it’s just not the same. Find the fun in your craft and leverage that to get to the top.


As I said earlier, success isn’t easy. However, success can be achieved and overcoming these 10 things can greatly attribute to your success.